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Nets is a part of the Nexi Group - The European PayTech. Visit our Group website at

Fraud Framework


Our Fraud Services are card scheme independent end-to-end services that are provided to banks in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. We have dedicated fraud specialists, the possibility to utilise Nordic data and one of the best solutions with real time capabilities. We continuously develop our products to offer high quality fraud services and provide added value to both our customers and end-users.



SAS Framework
Fewer fraudulent transactions with less card usage restrictions


 Real-time Capabilities
  • Analyse fraud patterns and trends on a Nordic level
  • Utilise cardholders’ behavioural patterns
  • Score every transaction
  • Utilise machine learning


Nordic Data
Utilise large amount of Nordic data


Skilled Fraud Professionals
50 skilled fraud professionals


Nets Fraud Services uses SAS Enterprise Fraud Management Solution as its core system. The solution has been evaluated as the #1 Fraud Management Solution in the world on several occasions, for example in the Forrester Wave Enterprise Fraud Management Q1 2017, and Chartis 2016 Fraud Enterprise Fraud rankings: RiskTech Quadrant category leader.

Supporting technology


Nets Fraud Prevention process each transaction in real-time. All transactions are scored utilising Nets Neural Network Model. The model analyses cardholder behavioural patterns and categorises a cardholder into a segment with similar behaving cardholders. This will increase the ability to recognise fraudulent transactions and patterns from genuine usage among the cardholders.


The behavioural recognitions are constantly learning from cardholders' use, building an individual Cardholder Signature for each card. Future changes in patterns will be adapted and a cardholder will be categorised to other segments if genuine card usage changes.


Risk score process explained


Every authorisation is scored by Nets Fraud System in real-time. We combine the system risk score with our fraud professionals' rule-writing knowledge to get the best possible result, preventing fraud whilst enabling the cardholder to use their card as flexible as possible.

The score provided by Nets Neural Network Model helps us to recognise fraudulent transactions and patterns from genuine usage among the cardholders. In practise this means that two identical authorisations on two different cards will get their own risk score based on for example the different card signatures.