Functionality for Super Users

​This section describes how to configure the E-Signing Portal for your Company, and is only relevant for Super Users in E-Signing Portal. You will find the configuration options at menu item "Administration" in the portal. 

Here are settings that can be performed by a Super User at the dropdown menu item Administration:


These functions are available under the Administration Menu in E-Signing Portal and described in detailed below.

Users and groups

In order to create a signing order in the E-Signing Portal, a person must be registered and assigned write permission to one or more groups. This is done from the ​Administration page, “Users” and “Groups” menus.

Groups form the basis for separation in groups within a Company. Groups within the E-Signing Portal have the following properties:

  • Any signing order will belong to one specific group.
  • A User may be defined with one of three possible permissions for a given group:
    • Write: User can create, view and change signing orders be-longing to the given group.
    • Read: User can view signing orders belonging to the given group
    • None: User have no access to create, view or change any orders for the given group.

Manage users​

The Users menu includes two sections:

Create new user​

In the top section, you can register a new User by filling in the required details and select “Create”. The following information must be entered:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail address
  • National ID No. (SSN) or CVR-RID​

When registering a new User, you have to fill out either National ID No. (SSN) or CVR-RID​​:

  1. Register a new User using National ID: National ID number is the User’s identification number, referring to “Fødselsnummer” in Norway, “Personnummer” in Sweden and “CPR-nummer” in Denmark.
    • ​​Important: The CVR-RID field must be left empty.
  2. Register a new User using CVR and RID: CVR-RID is the Employer ID and Employee ID used in Denmark. CVR and RID must be en-tered as written, separated by a dash, (“-”).
    • ​Important: The National ID field must be left empty.

Note: If your company has no access to login with Country Specific eID, then you will not see SSN and CVR-RID fields while creating a user.

​Create new user with the only option to log in using Login with Username/Password​

SSN and CVR-RID are optional if "Log in with Username/Password" is enabled for your Company. When user is created, an email will be sent to the users email address, containing a link to set a password. Email address must be unique

​Overview section

At the bottom section, all currently registered users are listed. You can deactivate and reactivate any of the Users listed, except for you yourself. Deactivating any User will both remove all permissions and put the User into a deactivated state. Reactivating a User will bring the user back to activated status, but without any permissions or roles.

Users overview.PNGYou can edit, activate/deactivate or delete any user by clicking related icon. The icons shows action description by  mouseover.  If "Login with Username/Password" is enabled, you can also resend email with link to set/generate a password to the user.

Here is screenshot of what to edit if you click on edit icon (pencil) for a user:

User setting.png

You can update the Users name and email address. By selecting "Grant read access to all groups" the user will be given read permission for all groups. Separate group permissions can also be assigned individually, selecting between "None", "Read" or "Write" access. The User may be assigned the Super User role by selecting this option, and Super User can give ID-Rights access to individual users from here. 

Manage groups

The Groups menu includes two sections:

  • Create New Group section
  • Overview section including notification settings

Creating a new group is done by entering the new group name and pressing the “Create” button.

All groups are listed in Overview section with names of all registered editors. The edit icon (pencil) on the right side gives you access to edit the group name and notification settings.

Notification settings for groups

There are 7 different types of notifications, and they may be used for both external and internal notifications.

  • Signing order is created
  • Signing order is close to expiry
  • Signing order has been cancelled
  • Signing order has expired
  • Signing order has been signed by a signer
  • Signing order deadline has been changed
  • Signing order is complete

There are two notification categories:

In addition, the User can request notifications for 3 events (upon registration of a signing order); Notification to User

  • Order is complete
  • Order is closed to expiry
  • Order has expired.

External and internal notifications

In order to use any of the 7 notification types for external notification, you will need to create an email template​ for the notification. You can select to use only a subset of the 7 types of notifications for external notifications by only creating email templates for notification of those preferred types.

Clicking on edit icon in group overview, this popup will show:​

Ex and int notification_new.PNG 
External notification

Selecting the “Override external notification” option will cause all External notifications to be sent to a pre-defined address instead of to the Signer (Private market configuration) or Customer contact (Corporate market configuration).
There is one more setting related to external notifications. This is the setting controlling how many days before expiration the reminder notification shall be submitted. This setting is defined together with internal notifications, as described below.


Internal notifications

In order to use any of the 7 notification types for internal notification, you will need to create an email template for each notification and in addition select an email address to send each notification to. You can select to use only a subset of the 7 types of notifications.

​By using option “Set internal notifications”​, you will activate all 7 notification types and set one single email address for all of them. This will overwrite any setting you may have defined in the detailed settings of the second option, without any warnings.

Using the option “Detailed Control of Notifications”, you may configure the internal notifications in more detail. Only the notification types that has been activated, and for which an email template has been defined, will be submitted for internal notifications.

You may select different email addresses for the various notification types. You may also assign multiple email addresses per notification type. In addition, you will be able to select how many days before expiration the re-minder notification for a signing order shall be sent.

This last setting, “Number of days before expiration”, also controls the external notification, but will only be used if there is an email template defined for the external notification.


Notification to User (operator)

A new setting has been added that will allow the User (operator) to request notifications for certain events. Notification for the following events are supported

  • Order is complete
  • Order is closed to expiry
  • Order has expired.

Manage settings

E-Signing Portal allows some of the general settings to be edited by a Super User. The following settings are currently available:


Identification before signing 

If Identification before signing is enabled for your Company, a Super User may select from two options:

  • Identification before signing is mandatory for all orders.
  • Identification before signing is optional for all orders.

If Identification before signing is set to mandatory, all orders will have this function enabled. If the function is set to optional, case workers will be given the option of adding Signing before identification for any order.

Note: If your Company has not requested the Identification before signing functionality, your Super Users will not see this menu.


Allow personal message

By setting the “Allow personal message” setting to “Yes”, each User will be able to add a personal text to the notification message being sent to the Signer or Customer Contact. This will require the external notification email template to include the personal message merging field.


Default eID 

In case your Company has requested access to multiply eID types, you can select that one of them shall be set by default when creating a new signing order, thus reducing the number of parameters required for creating the signing order.

Depending on which eID types that has been activated for your Company, the valid options for the default eID setting are “Not Selected”, “BankID (NO)”, “BankID (SE), “NemID Employee Signatur (DK)”, “NemID for Private (DK)” and «Finnish banks ID’s (FI)»

​Login type​

 Here you are able to see available login types for your company. If both login types ("Login with country spesific eID" and "Login with Username/Password") are enabled for your company, you will see both. By selecting one/both, you provide access to the users to use given login type for your company.  

As a superuser you can restrict users to not use any of the login for your company. If "Login with Country Specific eID" is not selected, then none of the users can access your company when they login with country spesific eID's. Same goes for "Login with Username & Password".

Note:  The logged in login type is always disabled and you can not make changes to that login.  If you have logged in to the E-Signing portal using country spesific eID's, then you cannot make changes to this.


If you fail to provide access for any of the login types, you can contact Nets Admin at Nets support.​

Notification Override 

In case your Company is using the E-Signing Portal in Corporate market configuration, you may select to let the case workers override the default customer notifications when creating a new signing order. Setting this option to “Yes” will enable this feature. If the case worker decides to use this feature by entering a specific email address for customer notification, all customer notifications to be sent to this email address instead of directly to the customer contact.

​Signer Receipt  external

If you select the Signer receipt external option, all external Signers will receive an e-mail receipt with original and signed document attached. The original unsigned document is a PDF document while the signed document is an SDO file or a Signed PDF (PAdES). The signed PDF sent pr email to external, will never contain SSN.​

 signer receipt ext.PNG

Signer receipt internal​

If you select the Signer receipt internal option, ​the internal recipient (defined in the group internal notification list) will receive signed and approved notification with documents attached in an email. The original unsigned document is a PDF document while the signed document is an SDO file or a Signed PDF (PADES). 
  • ​​If you have enabled "License for national identification number" in the portal (set by Nets Admin)  you will get these options if you choose to receive Signed PDF ​:
    • Show SSN: SSN for all signers will be displayed in an extra line in the Signed PDF
    • Hide SSN: SSN will be removed from "Identifier" for those eID's where this is SSN (BankID SE, FTN )​
    • NONE: Existing, standard view will be used. This means that SSN will be displayed as "Identifier" if this is done by eID, and PID will be displayed for others. 
​​​Signer receipt int.PNG

  • ​​​If you have disabled License for national identification number in the portal (set by Nets Admin)​ you will not get above options, and existing, standard view will be used. SSN will be removed from "Identifier" for those eID's where this is SSN​. ​


If the ID-Rights service is enabled for your company, the Super user can enable/disable the service for the company by clicking the check-boxes for applicable country.  

Settings checkbox.PNG

Super user can also decide which country should be default at search page, if the company has more than one country available.

​In addition, Super user  must give each user spesific access, by clicking check-box ​​ID-Rights at Admin->User page.

Redirect after completed signing

If you would like to automatically redirect the Signers to a specific web page, you may enter a valid web address for this setting. If you leave the field blank, the user will not be redirected.

Redirect after signing.PNG

After the Signer has successfully signed the document, a 10 second timer will start to count down, and the Signer will be redirected to the selected web page.

​The user may also click on the “Click here to continue” button in order to go to the selected web page before the timer reaches zero seconds.


Company Signature

If your Company is registered with Company Signature enabled, a Super User can select from one of three settings related to this:

​NoCompany Signature is not allowed in any order​
Optional​User may enable Company Signature per order​
​Required​Company Signature is set for all orders

In case your company has access to eID types from more than one eID-provider, you must also select which eID type to use for company signatures.

Note: Company signing will be disabled when used in combination with PDF Form signing .​



A Super User can set default dispatch date and signing deadlines to be used for all created orders. This will prevent the User from seeing this information when creating an order.



Customize your E-Signing Portal apperance

It is possible to customize your E-signing Portal appearance. This is done from the Appearance menu. The menu is divided into two sections:

  • Logo  to be used in the portal
  • General information to Signers

Customize the appearance 

It is possible to customize the portal appearance by adding a Company logo.

​Click the “Choose file” button in order to upload a new logo. A preview of the logo is shown, but a better verification will be to inspect the new logo in the top left corner of the page, as the change is implemented immediately.
Selected logo is also used in the signature dialog for Signers.


General information to signers

It is possible to add some general information to the Signers that will appear below the signing box.

General information to signer.PNG

The information is entered in the form of a heading and text. You may see a preview of the dialog by clicking the preview button. 

In order to apply any of the changes you make to the portal, click on the bottom save button.

​Manage e-mail templates for notifications​

In order to send out notification for signing orders, an email template must be created for each type of notification. It is possible to create several different templates for the same type of notification, and you then assign the various templates to different groups. There are 7 notification types, and they may be defined for both internal and external (customer) recipients.


Create template

In order to create a template, select the type and recipient and then click the right side “Create” button.

Create emailtemplate.PNG 


The table in the overview section lists all templates with the type and recipient, as well as which groups each template has been assigned to. You can remove or edit any of the templates by click on the right-side buttons. Any template can be assigned to more than one group.  

email template overview.PNG

Edit template

When selecting Edit on a template you will see four sections; Preview, Subject, Content and Groups.

edit email template.PNG

Preview​ Gives a preview of the template as you edit it.
​Subject text editor​Allow you to define the e-mail subject.
Content text editor​Allow you to enter formatted text and merge pre-defined standard values.
​Group assignment​Allow you to choose which groups these templates shall be used for.

In content field, you can choose between some predefined standard content, based on how your solution is configured (Private or Corporate market).


Standard merging values:

These values are useful for both Private and Corporate market configuration. The following pre-defined standard values are  available for merging:

​Displayed name​Merge key
​Signing deadline##DEADLINEDATE##​
​Dispatch date##TRANSMISSIONDATE##​
​Name of case worker​##COORDINATOR##
​Case Worker personal message​##PERSONALMESSAGE##
​Your company name​##COMPANY##
​Signorder description​##DESCRIPTION##
​Signer email *​##SIGNEREMAIL##
​Signer signing URL*​##SIGNERURL##

 * Signer email and Signer signing URL are only usable for Private market configurations.


Matrix merging values:

These matrixes may be useful for internal notifications for both Private and Corporate market configuration. For Corporate market, matrixes will also be essential for external notifications.The following signer information matrixes are available for merging:

​Displayed name​Merge key​Description
​Signed matrix​##SIGNERMATRIX##Will include the name or email of all signers with the date of signature per signer.​
​Unsigned matrix​##UNSIGNEDSIGNERMATRIX##​Will only list the names or email of all signers. The name or email field will include a hyperlink to the signing order for the signer.
​Unsigned matrix (with URL field)##UNSIGNEDMATRIXVERBOSE##​Will list the names or email of all signers with the full signing order URL next to each.

Corporate market merging values

The following pre-defined standard values are available for merging for Corporate market configuration only:


​Displayed name​Merge key
​Customer company name​##CLIENTCOMPANYNAME##
​Customer company number​##CLIENTCOMPANYNUMBER##
​Customer contact name​##PRINCIPALNAME##
​Customer contact email​##PRINCIPALEMAIL##

Manage Archive templates

Archive templates are available for customers configured with access to Nets Archive services. Multiple templates can be created, and they can be utilized in order to better ensure that the signing orders are created with the correct archive indexes and the case worker doesn’t have to fill inn every single detail when creating a new signing order.


Main settings

A Super user has three main settings available at the top of the Archive template menu:

  1. Use archive templates: If Archive templates are not enabled, the case worker will be required to set all Archive settings when creating a new signing order.
  2. Allow the case worker to select archive template: Each archive template is assigned a template name. If you don’t allow the case worker to select the archive template, the template name is used when the case worker uploads a document for a new signing order. The uploaded document name will be checked for matches against any of the registered archive template names. The matching test is done on the uploaded document name up to the first full stop, “.”, punctuation mark.
  3. If no matching document name, use default template: If the document uploaded by the case worker has a name that does not match any of the archive template names, the default template will be used. However, if the default template has not been enabled and configured, the case worker will not be able to continue registration of the signing order. In this case, registration of a signing order will only be possible if the uploaded a document name matches one of the archive template names.


Create template

In order to create an archive template, simply click on the “Create new archive template” + button.  At the top of the template configuration dialog, you will need to enter a document name and also choose from one of the archives available for your Company.

Create archive template 1.PNG
After choosing the archive to be used for this template, you will see the archive field configuration table, as shown below. The content of this table will strongly depend on the E-Archive settings defined for your Company.
Create archive template 2.PNG

​Archive field​States the official “Archive field” name for the index.
​Displayed nameM​ay be used in order to show a different index name for the case workers. This field has no effect if the index has a default value or is ignored, as it will not be displayed to the case worker.
​Mandatory​Indicates if the index is required or not. Some indexes may already be set to required, as these indexes are required in order to ar-chive the document correctly.
​Ignored​This is used to remove optional indexes that you don’t want to use.
​Default Value​May be used to lock the index to a fixed value. Any index with a default value will not be shown to the case worker.

N​ote: The Documentgroup and Documenttype are special archive indexes and are set using drop-down menus.

Note: Archive indexes support enumerated indexes. You can select from a predefined list of values when creating the archive template or when creat-ing the signing order. Enumerated indexes are selected using drop-down menus, just like Documentgroup and Documenttype.

